The Public Relations
The Public Relations (PR) is a committee of California Zoroastrian Center organized in 2020 with the following objective:
Welcoming all interested in Zoroastrianism
Sharing information about the Zoroastrian School of thought and culture
Connecting the newcomers to the community and resources
Working closely with CZC-BOD to preserve and promote the universal message of Zarathushtra
Feature Videos

A Question of Power by Ms. Dina McIntyre

The Wisdom of Mazdayasna - Pablo Vazquez

Zoroastrians in Iran After the Fall of the Sassanid Empire - RJ St. Thomas

Zoroastrianism and Unitarian Universalism The Common views - Rebecca DesPrez
Transcript/Resources in pdf
Devotion to Wisdom
by Mr. Navid Mansourian

Heaven and Hell in Mazdayasna - what do the Gathas teach us? by Mr. Navid Mansourian

The Modern and Living Philosophy of the Gathas by Mr. Navid Mansourian

'Asha and the Search for Truth' by Navid Mansourian

Devotion to Wisdom by Navid Mansourian
Presentation in pdf
Gatha Discussions
Gatha Discussion

Gatha Discussion - Yasna 32.1

Gatha Discussion - Yasna 43.3

Gatha Discussion - Yasna 30.11

Gatha Discussion - Yasna 31 6
Introduction to the Main Concepts in the Gathas" with Mr. Peiman Gheibi
These sessions are in Persian
Introduction to the Main Concepts in the Gathas

آشنایی با پایههای بنیادین گاتها - نشست ششم پرسش و پاسخ با آقای پیمان غیبی

آشنایی با پایههای بنیادین گاتها - نشست پنجم با آقای پیمان غیبی

آشنایی با پایههای بنیادین گاتها - اشم وهو - نشست چهارم با آقای پیمان غیبی

آشنایی با پایههای بنیادین گاتها -اشا و اوشتا - نشست سوم با آقای پیمان غیبی
Common Avesta Prayers with Ms. Noushin Isadvastar
Common Avesta Prayers

Common Avesta Prayers - Session 7: Structure of the Gathas & Setayeshe Yekta Khoda

Common Avesta Prayers - Session 6: Zoroastrian Calendar, Berassad, Tandorosti

Common Avesta Prayers - Session 5: Avesta Koshti, Paymané Din, Vispe Setayesh

Common Avesta Prayers - Session 4: Sedreh, Koshti, and Avesta Koshti
Reference websites
Zoroastrian Assembly: https://www.zoroastrian.org/
Dina McIntyre website: https://gathasofzarathushtra.com/
Lord of Wisdom website: http://lordofwisdom.com/
Ashemvidam YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@ashemvidam
Recommended Gatha Translations:
Gathas Our Guide translated by AA Jafarey Available on Amazon
The Gathas The Hymns of Zarathushtra by DJ Irani
Recommended books on Zoroastrianism:
Zoroastrianism by Jenny Rose Available on Amazon
In Search of Zarathushtra by Paul Kriwaczek Available on Amazon
Understanding the Gathas by DJ Irani