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Guest Speaker Mr.Pablo Vazquez

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

On Sunday, April 23 at 11:00 AM, the California Zoroastrian Center-OC will gladly host speaker Mr.Pablo Vazquez. The subject of his lecture would be:

The Wisdom of Mazdayasna: Translating Old Avestan, Teaching Our Faith, and the Struggles and Responsibilities of a Modern Mazdayasni

  • Join Pablo Vazquez, Zoroastrian scholar, theologian, host of "Zoroastrian Q&A", and translator of "The Sacred Gathas of Zarathushtra & the Old Avestan Canon", as they discuss their discoveries, insights, irks, and challenges in not just translating Old Avestan, the very words of Zarathushtra, but also in teaching the faith internationally in academic and non-academic settings and how popular and misinformed discourse sometimes disproportionally influences our community. Pablo will also discuss the challenges and duties of a Mazdayasni in the modern world and what makes our faith so adaptable and ready to answer the challenges we all face in these days and the future. They will also be happy to answer any questions the beloved Zoroastrian community and other attendees have for them about the faith and will have copies of their Old Avestan translations for sale and signing.


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