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CZC Technology Committee 


Audio/Video and communication technology is essential for CZC to function efficiently and to stay in contact with its members. Under supervision of  the Board of Directors, Technology Committee provides expert guidance for CZC to develop, incorporate and integrate new technologies for various CZC processes and functions. Technology group covers a wide range of technology areas, including but not limited to: computers, copiers/printers, broadcast by phone, bulletin, video, sound systems.


The CZC BOD may request to meet with this committee on occasion and will rely on the committee to assess the state of the existing technology systems and to recommend upgrades with associated budgetary expenditure as part of an ongoing plan.



The Technology Committee works optimally with 7 core members. Members of Technology Committee are selected from the CZC active members and one member from the CZC staff. Members should have sufficient technology skills and knowledge as well as an understanding of the CZC's mission in order to ensure that the use of technology will help CZC achieve its goals.


In the selection of members of this committee, knowledge and experience of how to use the technology is preferable to the technical expertise as how the technology works, however both skills are needed in the committee to ensure optimal system setup and performance. Younger CZC members tend to be more tech savvy and are invited to participate in this committee.


Current tech members:​

  • A r d e s h i r  B a g h k h a n i a n

  • S a s a n   S o r o u s h i

  • F i r o u z   F e l f e l i

  • S I r o o s   S a l a m a t i

  • B i j a n  K a v o o s i

  • A t o u s a   N a r i m a n

  • B a b a k  A f s h a r i


The Technology Committee’s responsibilities include:

  1. Research and propose a technology plan to BOD for approval, recommending all needed upgrades and replacements for our center’s technology systems.

  2. Revise and resubmit the plan prioritizing essential technology upgrades based on allocated budget, as needed.

  3. Establish technology directives and procedures for usage of shared equipment with all CZC committees to ensure that the technology is made available for their use and properly maintained.

  4. Record and keep track of all technology equipment.

  5. Conduct an annual survey to assess current technology usage by center, and its committees to determine any changes or needs.

  6. Monitor the progress of technology projects in conjunction with the designated CZC staff person.

  7. Provide technical support for other CZC Committees as needed.


Please contact the CZC Office at (714) 893-4737 or if you are interested in joining this committee .

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