Great News & Congratulations! We are excited to announce that the California Zoroastrian Center Board of Trustees has completed the legal process and purchased the building in San Diego located at "1721 Hornblend St, San Diego, CA 92109". We would like to thank Zoroastrian community members and non-members in San Diego and beyond, for their generous donations and supported efforts towards the purchase of this building. We are thrilled for San Diego Zoroastrians as their long-enduring dream has finally come true and now have a place for religious and cultural classes, youth gatherings, senior events, jashan's and so much more! The Real Estate and Fundraising committee of CZC Board of Directors has worked tirelessly, along with the support of CZC BOT, BOD of SD, OC, and LA, and as a team accomplished their goal of purchasing the San Diego building for the Zoroastrian community.
Naming rights are available for the entire center ($500K+ donation), in addition to, the main hall ($300K+ donation). If interested, please reach out to the Board of Trustees or the San Diego Board of Directors to discuss naming rights.
We look forward to reporting to you, in the near future, that we have received enough donations to fully pay off the mortgage and are no longer concerned with making monthly payments.
Please spread the word amongst friends and family that we still need support and donations to fulfill our mission.
Hamazoor Bim
Board Of Trustees
California Zoroastrian Center